Monday, 1 August 2016

Finding Your Life Motto

So I watched a video the other day on Youtube by this Youtuber that I've been following for about five years now called Chyaz Samuels, I watch her videos quite frequently and she's the inspiration behind this blog post. In this video she talks about this funny phrase that became a life motto for her, she was reading a Buzzfeed article about weird children's books and one of the books said "Touch the cow, do it now" and she talks about how it kinda became a source of motivation for her and it made me think about what motto I use in life. I'll leave a link to her video at the end of this blog so you can see the whole video and what she says about life motto's. 

I think it's so important to find your own motto in life, for Chyaz it's something a little silly like "Touch the cow, do it now" but for me it's something a little different, before I get into my own life motto I'm going to explain why I think it's so important to have your own motto to live by and follow.

Sometimes in life we can often feel a little lost and unsure as to where we're going in life. There's points where you literally have no clue about what to do next and what's going to happen and this is where having a motto can potentially help you. When I turned 20 I had a sort of existential crisis about life, I know it's seems a bit melodramatic but when I had my 20th birthday I kinda didn't know where the hell I was going with my life. I had this internal dialogue of "I only have one year left of uni, then what? You're half way to forty, you have no idea what you're going to do after uni. You're going to live with your mum forever." Stuff like that and it was really shitty if I'm honest. I felt like I was in this weird limbo of life where I've finished my teenage years but I'm not technically an adult. It was weird, I didn't like it at all. I just felt quite lost and unsure of the future.

I feel like having  a motto sort of gives you something to focus on and move forward with, so when this video of Chyaz came out with her talking about "Touch the cow, do it now" I started to think what my own life motto should be and what I want to live by at this present moment. I think you can change your motto's from time to time as they may not apply to you anymore. I feel like motto's help you achieve your goals and if those goals change, so does the motto.

For those of you who don't know I am a massive Disney fan and my favourite Disney film of all time is The Lion King. I love it so much and it's like a part of me, sad, but true. The fact that The Lion King is loosely based on Hamlet as well makes me love it even more because I absolutely love Shakespeare. I feel like it has so many life lessons and is just a fantastic story, anyway, I was watching it with the guy I was seeing at the time and it made me realise how my motto for right now is staring me right in front of the face in this movie and it's what I've been trying to live up to for a long time.

If you're not familiar with The Lion King, which you totally should be by the way, there's this part towards the end where Simba is talking to Rafiki just before he goes back to save his kingdom. Rafiki wacks him on the head with his stick and they have a conversation about how it doesn't matter if it still hurts and Rafiki says possibly the most amazing thing ever:

"Oh yes the past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

This is my life motto for right now, I have a really horrible past with boyfriends, depression, anxiety, self harm and so many other things. Now I can either run from my past and not deal with all the horrific things that has happened to me, or I can hold my head up high, accept that things haven't always gone the way I wanted them to and learn from the past. I think that's what I'm taking from this particular sentence anyway. Learn from your mistake and the things that hurt you, don't let them haunt you. I'm trying to not let my past define me as a person and I'm attempting to open up new doors for myself that I wouldn't have done normally because I was too scared to because of my past. That's not something I'm going to be letting happen anymore.

So if your life motto comes from a Buzzfeed article or from The Lion King it doesn't matter, I think it's important to have something to live by and use to help you work towards you goals. For me, this one is working perfectly for right now and hopefully you'll be able to find one that will change your life for the better

Stay awesome. 

Chyaz's Video
The Lion King Scene

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