Wednesday, 23 March 2016

It's Okay To Not Be Okay

I think we've all had those moments in our lives where we look at ourselves and realise we may have hit rock bottom. Self harm could be involved here or you could just be in a really down place.

I think a lot of people just focus on the fact that they are at rock bottom, don't get me wrong, I do this too. Right now I have hit rock bottom, I have barely slept in a week, I can hardly eat, my anxiety is at an all time high and I've contemplated self harm/suicide. I am at rock bottom. But to be honest, that's okay because I can only go up from here. It's so easy to get stuck into this cycle of feeling like this is how your life is going to be for the rest of your life and you never ever will get better. But can I tell you a secret? You will get better. 

One thing I've had to realise over my life time is that it is okay to not be okay. No one has it together 24/7, and if they say they do, they're probably lying. It's okay to cry or to feel shit or to feel anxious; that's normal human behaviour. However, with that being said, you need to acknowledge when this rock bottom is dangerous to your health and mental well being.

The first step to getting better is admitting that there's a problem there and that you're not happy. Once you've addressed that then it's important to seek out any help you think you need. Whether that be through a counsellor or through some medical intervention. The problem is admitting that you need help, and that can be a hard pill to swallow.

I realised recently that I really needed to get help, I went through a traumatic event in my life and it made me realise how mentally unstable I really am. I thought for a long time that it was just because I was going through some bad times, and that I was fine but really, I just wasn't. It took that event in my life to realise what was happening to me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that no one is all smiles and roses all the time and you shouldn't expect yourself to be or be disappointed when you're not. Sometimes you're just going through a rough patch in your life and sometimes you do need a little bit of help. And there is simply nothing at all wrong with that. There's no need to be ashamed that you need help or that you have a mental illness. There is a certain stigma attached to mental illness which I'll talk about in another post. But honestly, from one mentally ill person to another - It's okay to not be okay.

Stay awesome.

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